Sunday, January 11, 2009

Through a phone call we found out that Cayden
was experiencing projectial vomitting. My son
and his wife took him to the Columbus, Nebraska
ER, told them what they knew and suggested
they check for a blocked throat. The doctors
told them that they were trying to feed him
too much, the wrong formula or too fast.
My son took him home with them and up to
his wifes, Brenda, parents home in Sioux
Falls, SD. Brenda picked him up without
his shirt on and her finger depression stayed
in his arm. He was severely dehydrated.
Into ER where the doctor immediately put
him on an IV. After talking to Brenda he
ran test that confirmed what Brenda had
been trying to tell the ER docs in Columbus.
The following morning they did a surgery
and removed the blockage. He is now taking
nourishment and gaining weight again.
He is a tough little guy !!


Lisa Mc said...

It is amazing how strong babies are. Womens intuition is always right!! I hope all goes well and he continues to gain weight.

GGrandparents said...

Thanks for the words of support and encouragement.

lauren said...

oh that is so scary for that mother. i cant imagine

Unknown said...

oh im so glad that he is doingbetter!

Lisa Mc said...

Any updates on his progress?? Bob

GGrandparents said...

Cayden is eating well and beginning
to show weight gain, slowly yes,
but surely.